Device Details
The Kangaroo™ Joey enteral feeding pump is a user-friendly and precise device designed for enteral feeding. This pump can be easily programmed to deliver continuous or intermittent feeding making it versatile for different patient needs. When in use, it also has an automatic flush capability, ensuring proper hygiene and preventing clogging. One of the key features of this pump is the compact and portable design allowing patients to still have freedom and mobility throughout the day.
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DME FemaleAsianCareTakerWhiteOlderWoman WalkingOutside DriveCane

Durable Medical Equipment (DME) 

DME refers to any device or supply prescribed by a health care provider for long-term or everyday use in the home. These include items such as wheelchairs, walkers, crutches, hospital beds, and cpap machines.

Pediatric BlackFemaleClinician WhiteFamily YoungBoy PediatricWheelchair LivingRoom

Pediatric Home Care

At Lincare, we recognize that each child is unique. That's why we provide various services and products tailored to serve their individual needs in line with their practitioner's prescription.

Disclaimer: Information appearing on this website about this device is being provided for your convenience only. The complete information about this device should be obtained from the manufacturer. Please note that the device depicted is an example of what may be available. The actual device provided may be different. Device availability and inventory levels are subject to change without notice. Devices may require a valid prescription.

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