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Initial Oxygen Therapy Order Checklist

When ordering initial oxygen therapy please provide the required documentation listed below:

  • Patient Demographic Information
  • Standard Written Order
  • Proof of qualifying saturation study was ordered by treating physician and evaluated the results at the time need.
Patient information form

Standard Written Order (SWO)

An Oxygen Therapy Standard Written Order (SWO) must include the following elements to be valid:

  • Patient Name
  • Order Date
  • General description of the item:
    • The description can be either a general description (e.g., wheelchair or hospital bed), a HCPCS code, a HCPCS code narrative, or a brand name/model number
    • For equipment – In addition to the description of the base item, the SWO may include all concurrently ordered options, accessories or additional features that are separately billed or require an upgraded code (List each separately).
    • For supplies – In addition to the description of the base item, the DMEPOS order/prescription may include all concurrently ordered supplies that are separately billed (List each separately)
  • Quantity to be dispensed, if applicable
  • Treating practitioner name or National Provider Identifier (NPI)
  • Treating practitioner’s signature

Chart Notes and Saturation Study

Chart Notes (initial notes) should include the following:

  • Prescription details (liter flow, method of administration, etc.)
  • Patient status at the time of need for oxygen therapy (inpatients vs. outpatients.) If inpatient, admission date and discharge date
  • Date the provider is evaluating the test results. If portability, document that the patient is mobile in the home.
  • Reason patient is expected to improve with oxygen therapy.

If Group I or II:

  • Test date (for inpatients, must be performed within two (2) days of discharge. For outpatients, because of the undefined restriction in the LCD, no more than three (3) months, ask for a free text explanation after 30 days)
  • Test type (Pulse ox or ABG)
    • Test condition (rest, exercise, sleep – for no portability, titration- for outpatient/bleed into pap/OSA)
  • Test results – (Does not qualify if no <89%. > 59 mmHG)

If Group II includes all of the following:

  • An Arterial PO2 of 56-59 mm Hg or an arterial blood oxygen saturation of 89%; and,
  • Any of the following:
  1. Dependent edema suggesting congestive heart failure; or,
  2. Pulmonary hypertension or cor pulmonale, determined by measurement of pulmonary artery pressure, gated blood pool scan, echocardiogram, or “P” pulmonated on EKG (P wave greater than 3 mm in standard leads II, III or AVF); or
  3. Erythrocythemia with a hematocrit greater than 56%

If Group III:

  • What is the patient’s condition that will likely improve with oxygen therapy?
    • Cluster headaches
  • Any concerns for variations in oxygen measurements that may result from such factors as the patients age, the patients skin pigmentation, the altitude level, or a decrease in oxygen carrying capacity.

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