Oxygen Safety at Home
Oxygen is an accelerant that can cause other materials and substances to ignite. Patients using oxygen therapy must take the following precautions:
- Keep sources of flame—including cigarettes—away from your oxygen therapy device and canisters.
- Do not smoke while using oxygen.
- Have a fire extinguisher readily available in your home and know how to use it.
- Keep your cylinders in an upright position and secured in a stand or rack. If this is not feasible, lay the cylinders down to avoid being knocked over. This helps keep the cylinders in good condition and helps to avoid leaks.
- Inform your electric company that you have an oxygen concentrator so they can prioritize your home in the event of a power failure.

Ongoing Support for Patient Safety
An important component of respiratory therapy safety is staying informed and up to date on devices and procedures. Understanding the ins and outs of your therapy takes time. Even if you have used your device for years, changes in your condition, age, or living arrangements can mean modifications to your treatment.
That is why patient support is critical. We provide 24/7 customer service and ongoing support from respiratory specialists, so you can get the answers you need when you need them. Whatever questions or concerns you have, our team of experts will help you get—and more importantly, understand—the information you need to feel safe and secure throughout your treatment.