4 Things a Cardiac Monitor Can Tell Your Physician

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Early intervention is critical in preserving the cardiac health of at-risk Americans. A cardiac monitoring device allows your practitioner to record your ECG in order to diagnose abnormalities. These devices enable you to be monitored at home, while maintaining your normal daily activities.

Several types of cardiac monitoring devices record heart activity, including Holter and event monitors. Using these devices, your physician can monitor your heart for various durations, which can assist in determining your risk of an adverse health event such as a heart attack or stroke.

So, what does a cardiac monitor diagnose?

Here are four things a cardiac monitor can tell your practitioner:

  1. Irregular heartbeats and rhythms: Outpatient heart monitoring can identify irregular heartbeats, that often go undetected. Irregular heartbeats and rhythms are challenging to track without cardiac monitors because you usually do not notice them or because they occur infrequently.
  2. Your heart rate: Different heart conditions and activities influence your heart rate. A cardiac monitor measures your heart rate while exercising, sleeping, and eating. If your heart rate abnormally fluctuates during certain activities, these devices will record your heart rate so your practitioner can recommend the proper treatment if there is a problem.
  3. Symptom Evaluation: Cardiac monitors can help your practitioner to determine if heart abnormalities are causing your symptoms.
  4. If your treatment is working: If you take medication for a heart condition or have a pacemaker, monitoring your treatment effectiveness is essential.

Lincare's Remote Cardiac Services

We offer a complete portfolio of outpatient cardiac monitoring options, so your practitioner can receive accurate and timely ECG data. Our services include:

  • Event Monitoring: Our cardiac event monitoring devices quickly and reliably provide information to assist in diagnosing patients who may be experiencing atrial fibrillation or other asymptomatic events such as bradycardia, tachycardia, cardiac pauses, or abnormal heartbeats. The monitor provides a more complete picture of the heart's rhythms before, during, and after each event and helps allow your practitioner to determine an effective treatment plan.
  • Holter Monitoring: A Holter monitor is a portable ECG device that records every heartbeat up to 14 days. Your practitioner will upload the data to RCS where he/she will receive a full report of your monitoring period. These devices provide high-quality diagnostic arrhythmia data so physicians can prescribe treatment accordingly.
  • In addition to cardiac monitoring RCS offers PT/INR Self Testing: Our home INR testing service includes a testing device, all necessary testing supplies, face-to-face training, and coordination with Medicare or your private insurer to determine your eligibility for reimbursement.
Lincare's cardiac monitoring devices allow you to monitor your heart from your home, helping you get a vital diagnostic evaluation when you need it most. Contact us today and get the peace of mind you and your heart deserve.
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