Remote INR monitoring
Warfarin and other blood thinners are effective ways to lower your risk of a heart attack. However, you need to check your INR levels regularly to reduce the risk of stroke or bleeding. Remote INR testing is an easy way to accurately track your INR levels from home or while you are traveling.
Before you head out on your trip, talk to your healthcare provider about using a mobile INR test if you have not already. They will show you how to run a test on your own. The test is straightforward: the meter comes with the necessary items that remotely monitor your INR levels. Simply insert a test strip into the INR meter, prick your finger with the provided lancet, place the sample on a test strip, and the machine calculates the results. You can then send these results directly to mdINR via phone call or the mdINR Mobile Application. Rest assured while you are traveling mdINR will get your INR results to your provider.
Be sure to download the mdINR Mobile App (Apple or Google). As an mdINR patient on anticoagulation therapy as prescribed by your practitioner, the mdINR application lets you quickly and efficiently enter your PT/INR self-test results and submit them through mdINR without having to call and navigate voice-prompt menus.
Tips for traveling with an INR test
Before your next trip, keep these INR-related tips in mind:
- Plan ahead: It is essential to establish when you will be doing your mobile INR testing. Schedule these days in advance and set reminders on your phone so you remember to have an INR test readily available when traveling from place to place. When flying, keep your test kit in your backpack or carry-on bag for easy access. Never store it in luggage you are checking at the gate.
- Keep your healthcare provider in the know: It is wise to let your practitioner know when you will be away. If you are heading to a high-altitude location, make sure your practitioner knows. High altitudes could cause your INR to fluctuate, so your practitioner may need to adjust your prescription accordingly.
- Bring extra tests: If flight delays or other obstacles cause your trip to be extended, you do not want to be without testing equipment, so be prepared in case the unexpected happens.
- Stay hydrated: Airplanes are dry, confined spaces due to the constant recycling of air. Drink plenty of water and avoid dehydrating beverages such as coffee and alcohol as much as possible.
Disclaimer: INR testing services are provided by our affiliate mdINR.